

  • A SleepMe account
  • Atlease 1 device added to your account (Tracker, Dock Pro or other Wifi based product) via the Sleepme App

Generating a token

  1. Log in to your Sleepme account at

  2. Navigate to the Developer API section under Account Details

Account Details

  1. Select Create New Token

Developer API Tab

  1. Give the token a memorable name

Create Token

  1. Click Create

  2. Save your token for use in your application

  3. Do something AWESOME!



If you recieve and error when generating your token, verify that you have added a device to your account using the Sleepme App.

Deleting a token

Tokens may be deleted by pressing the delete button next to them.


At this time, a single Sleepme user can generate up to 10 developer tokens. This may change in the near future. Tokens do not expire at this time, but may be revoked.

Closing Notes

If you have successfully completed the above steps, congratulations! You are now integrated with the Developer API. We can’t wait to see what you do with these tools.

From here, we suggest reading through the API specification for a full understanding of the available API endpoints and their parameters.

For any help or assistance, please reach out to